Monday, December 13, 2010

Photo Story - 2010

This is my final project photo story. I wanted to give you all a show of what 2010 was like for me, probably one of the greatest years yet.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

This portrait was a fun experiment. I wanted to get the tree in the picutre but not have it dominate the picture. The horizon is an example of the thirds rule which I have really decided is what I enjoy most about learning this semester. I had an issue with the shadows in the picture though. I did not realize how bad the sun could be during my shoot.
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Friday, November 12, 2010

This photo is my fixed photo. There is no more shadows down near my feet except for the shadow that is put off from me. The cloud is also gone. If you look in the first photo you will also notice two glare spots from the sun which are at the top of the photo directly above my head. Those are also not there anymore. What a day!
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This photo has a lot of shadows down near my feet and I wanted to remove those to make it look like I had reached the summit. With the shadows there, you can tell that there is still more climbing to do with trees infront of me (which you can not see). I also decided to remove the cloud in the sky. Who wants to hike with a cloud in the sky anyway?
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Sunday, November 7, 2010

I lightend a little bit on the left side of Yukon with the dodge tool. Then I used burn around Yukon and also infront of him on the blanket. I tried to lighten the left side of him to bring out the natural light from the window. I used the burn to shadow the right side of him.
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Friday, October 29, 2010

This photo I decided to posterize. I tried to drown out the background as much as I could. I like the posterize effect for an upclose shot like this because it really shows detail in a picutre such as where the shadows are. I really liked how the goggles ended up showing the Nissan Xterra in the refelection. I also contrasted it to bring out the darks.
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This photo was taken around 11:30 when the sun was almost overhead. It really darkened the picture. I used the Curves Tool to adjust the lighting on the photo. I also adjusted the hue to bring out the blues a little more so it was not so dark. This one was a challenge just because of how dark the photo was. You can still tell by looking at the first mounatin in the foreground. Notice inbetween the tree tops how dark it is.
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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fireplace now has fire

This is a photo of a fireplace that no longer is able to have a fire in it. I decided that since it is getting a little cold that this may be a fitting peice for this weeks assignment. I took a picture of an actual fireplace that is operable and meshed it into the inactive one. Thanks for checking it out!

Saturday, October 16, 2010


This is my example of a landscape. I was driving down to Boston and decided to capture a shot of the City skyline. It was an overcast day so there was not a lot of blur, which I was happy with. If you have never been to Boston, you need to check it out. There are a lot of good photos to be had.
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Monday, October 11, 2010


Here is my comparison picture of taking a shot in the "thirds" section. Great view of camels hump.
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My second go at publishing the slideshow. Hope it works!
This is my slideshow that I have published for this weeks class. I took some shots that had to do with framing. My favorite is the shot of the resevoir. I used the fall foliage this year to frame my shot of the body of water. Check it out!!
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Friday, October 8, 2010

Composition Technique

Everytime I go to take a picture now, I am always looking for it to be something that could be seen on someone's living room wall. The pictures that hang up in everyone's house are always so easy to look at and well thought out. Photo Composition has a lot to do with the idea of the picture and making sure that it is focused and finished properly. I particulary like the idea of the linear effect. When you can get a shadow, road, or river diagonally accross the photo it really makes you want to focus on the whole picture rather than just one thing. I always find myself looking at these pictures a lot longer than a picture with a certain subject in it because I want to figure out where the "line" goes.

Monday, October 4, 2010

This is the same car in the same location although I turned the light off and used natural light coming through the windows. The car is not as defined but I feel it is a little easier to look at. I still got a slight shadow as well.
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Lighting Experiment

This Photo is part of my light exeriment. I have casted a downward shadow with a light bulb. I had it pointed the light directly down on the stuffed Scion TC to get the shadow underneath and brighten the color of the car.
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This picture was a lot of fun. I took about 10 different shots and decided that this one really showed just one color with different lighting. This is my monochrome color scheme. After I shot this picture, which is only about the size of my foot, it gave me a different perspective on how to make scenes look larger than they actually are.
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Sorry about the late post this week everyone. It has been a busy week setting up for a couple events we had over the weekend. Yesterday I was on a hike up Spruce Mountain and decided it would be a great time to take some photos. Lots of Red trees out there! Here is a my complementary photo. I decided the green and white really complimented each other very well here. It was exciting when I found this color scheme. Can you guess what it is?
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Thursday, September 23, 2010

This is a collection of photos that I got while in Boston at a Red Sox game. Had a blast! In the lower right hand picture is a lady painted completely in silver to resemble the Tin Man. I thought she was great so I had someone grab a quick snap of us.
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Friday, September 17, 2010

Off The Beaten Path!

This is 4.5 miles into the woods behind the Berlin Pond...
This past weekend I was out on the mountain bike in Berlin. I was charging down hill and taking a sharp right though branches and spiderwebs when I came across this in the woods. When I first looked at it, I thought maybe it was a table that someone uses as they are in the woods hanging out.

As I started to walk around it and discover a little more about it, it dawned on me that this is an Iron Board! What is an Iron Board doing in the middle of the woods? As this class discussion is about taking pictures of different angles I though it was pecular that it actually took me several angles to know what it was in person.