Friday, September 17, 2010

Off The Beaten Path!

This is 4.5 miles into the woods behind the Berlin Pond...
This past weekend I was out on the mountain bike in Berlin. I was charging down hill and taking a sharp right though branches and spiderwebs when I came across this in the woods. When I first looked at it, I thought maybe it was a table that someone uses as they are in the woods hanging out.

As I started to walk around it and discover a little more about it, it dawned on me that this is an Iron Board! What is an Iron Board doing in the middle of the woods? As this class discussion is about taking pictures of different angles I though it was pecular that it actually took me several angles to know what it was in person.


  1. Was there any other signs indicating that there may have been a house there in the past?

  2. Wow, that is really strange! I wonder how old it is...
    I like the top picture by the way, the blur gives it a sort of spooky atmosphere.

  3. Agreed with comments above me, the picture on the top looks like a shot from a horror film. However, I like the bottom one too since you can make out what the object in the picture is. They are both really sweet so I don't have a favorite. Looks awesome, keep it up.


  4. Nice pictures! The first one shows how the object blends in with the background - and I would agree, it seems like it could be from a horror film. The second picture gives the object body and you can tell how big the board is. The first image has the board flat, the second looks like you are on a hill.
