Thursday, September 23, 2010

This is a collection of photos that I got while in Boston at a Red Sox game. Had a blast! In the lower right hand picture is a lady painted completely in silver to resemble the Tin Man. I thought she was great so I had someone grab a quick snap of us.
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  1. Nice pictures. I when to see a game at Fenway when I was a kid. Being that close to the field make you feel a part of the game. One of my co-worker who saw the pictures wanted to know why you would waste disk space on the Red Sox's. He a Yankee's fan.

  2. I love when collages are all pictures of one experience. Its an awesome way to showcase so many pictures all at once.Its much more interesting to see a collage of one experience than it is to flip through a photo album. Did they red sox win?

  3. I agree with LDM, having the collage of one experience is a really great idea and you are showing how dynamic taking photos of one event can be.

  4. Dana,
    I think that your collage is wonderful. I have one question, did they win at this game you were at? I love Fenway, and love your blog. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Dana,
    I love the Red Sox theme! My only question is on the license plate does it have anything to do with the Red Sox, or is it just the word red? I like that you stuck with the same ideas.

  6. Dana,
    I liked your sports theme in your collage. Mine has alot to do with sports also. Look forward to seeing more.

  7. They did win this game! And the license plate says "RED HDS". I understood that to mean Red Heads! I thought it was interesting that a family of with red hair enjoyed the Red Sox enough to put both on their car.

  8. Not a red sox fan, but I like the collage. My favorite photo is the one of the car and its' license plate. Nice work!
