Friday, October 29, 2010

This photo was taken around 11:30 when the sun was almost overhead. It really darkened the picture. I used the Curves Tool to adjust the lighting on the photo. I also adjusted the hue to bring out the blues a little more so it was not so dark. This one was a challenge just because of how dark the photo was. You can still tell by looking at the first mounatin in the foreground. Notice inbetween the tree tops how dark it is.
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  1. Love both of them. Like the first one because it reminds me of pop art and the bottom one reminds me of the weather that is soon to come. We haven't seen any snow yet this year in our area. Although my sister who is 20 minutes away has :)

  2. This picture is very seasonal. The hue adjustments make it look like there is snow on the mountain. Nice work!

  3. I like the mountain one i ALSO DID SOMEWHAT OF THE SAME THING
