Monday, December 13, 2010

Photo Story - 2010

This is my final project photo story. I wanted to give you all a show of what 2010 was like for me, probably one of the greatest years yet.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

This portrait was a fun experiment. I wanted to get the tree in the picutre but not have it dominate the picture. The horizon is an example of the thirds rule which I have really decided is what I enjoy most about learning this semester. I had an issue with the shadows in the picture though. I did not realize how bad the sun could be during my shoot.
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Friday, November 12, 2010

This photo is my fixed photo. There is no more shadows down near my feet except for the shadow that is put off from me. The cloud is also gone. If you look in the first photo you will also notice two glare spots from the sun which are at the top of the photo directly above my head. Those are also not there anymore. What a day!
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This photo has a lot of shadows down near my feet and I wanted to remove those to make it look like I had reached the summit. With the shadows there, you can tell that there is still more climbing to do with trees infront of me (which you can not see). I also decided to remove the cloud in the sky. Who wants to hike with a cloud in the sky anyway?
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Sunday, November 7, 2010

I lightend a little bit on the left side of Yukon with the dodge tool. Then I used burn around Yukon and also infront of him on the blanket. I tried to lighten the left side of him to bring out the natural light from the window. I used the burn to shadow the right side of him.
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Friday, October 29, 2010

This photo I decided to posterize. I tried to drown out the background as much as I could. I like the posterize effect for an upclose shot like this because it really shows detail in a picutre such as where the shadows are. I really liked how the goggles ended up showing the Nissan Xterra in the refelection. I also contrasted it to bring out the darks.
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This photo was taken around 11:30 when the sun was almost overhead. It really darkened the picture. I used the Curves Tool to adjust the lighting on the photo. I also adjusted the hue to bring out the blues a little more so it was not so dark. This one was a challenge just because of how dark the photo was. You can still tell by looking at the first mounatin in the foreground. Notice inbetween the tree tops how dark it is.
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